• The XIV Annual Assembly of NGO MANT took place last night, December 26th, bringing together esteemed members, friends, partners, supporters, and the recipient of our prestigious MANT Tech Award, Dipl. el. Ing. Marin Čaveliš. Guests were treated to an evening filled with inspiring words and meaningful reflections. Prof. Dr. Radovan Stojanović, President of MANT, opened…

  • We are pleased to announce that the XIV Regular Annual Assembly of NGO MANT will be held on the 26th of December, 2024, at the Desetka Restaurant, at 19:00h. As a part of the event, there will be the MATA Award 2024 ceremony, as well as the traditional New Year’s cocktail.

  • This year’s MATA Award winner for contribution in the development and promotion of new technologies in Montenegro is Marin Čaveliš, a graduate electrical engineer from Podgorica, who was nominated by the Prona Foundation. The 40-year career of Marin Čaveliš as an engineer and scientist has been marked by continuous innovations in various fields of science…

  • CPS&IoT Academy has successfully completed the first cluster of the theoretical training with the first group of participants. Participants had the opportunity to attend the cluster on biomedical engineering titled “Introduction to CPS&IoT Systems with an Emphasis on Their Application in Biomedicine” delivered by CPS&IoT Academy lecturers Prof. Dr. Radovan Stojanović and Dipl. Eng. Jovan…

  • The Annual MANT Tech Award (MATA) have proposals are open! MANT Tech Award (MATA) is devoted to Montenegrin innovators (persons or institutions) which developed any kind of high/advanced technologies solution/product/service/patent etc. in YTD (year to date).The solution needs to be simple, creative with elements of the patent and really working. In some cases the MATA should…

  • The beginning of lectures at the Academy of Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things is planned for November 11, 2024. Classes will be divided into theoretical, practical and team projects. The duration of the training is 6 weeks, 68 hours: 15 theoretical, 41 practical and 12 hours of presentation-evaluation training. To apply for training,…

  • Početak nastave na Akademiji o sajber-fizičkim sistemima i internetu stvari je planiran za 11. novembar 2024. godine. Nastava će biti podijeljena na teorijsku, praktičnu i timske projekte. Trajanje obuke iznosi 6 nedelja, 68 časova: 15 teorijske, 41 praktične i 12 časova prezentaciono-ocjenjivačke obuke. Da biste se prijavili za obuku, možete ispuniti sledeći upitnik: https://forms.gle/AznQbMV54jLdXE579 Pridružite…

  • The XII European Researchers’ Night was held on 27th September 2024 in University of Montenegro Sports and cultural center in Podgorica. This festival was held in more than 200 European cities. MANT took part by presenting the newest project CPS&IoT Academy that will take place in November this year. Visitors had the opportunity to find…

  • The PELMOB Project was disseminated on the 12th International Conference of Radiation, Natural Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Technology and Ecology (RAD Conference) which was held on June 17-21 2024 in Herceg Novi, Montenegro. The RAD Conference has gathered together both young and experienced researchers as well as students from Montenegro and other European countries. The PELMOB…

  • NGO MANT participated in “Days of Science and Innovation ” Festival with following projects: 

  • NGO MANT will participate in “Days of Science and Innovation ” Festival with following projects:  Within the Biomedical Engineering Corner, a series of activities aimed at the promotion of biomedical engineering will be held. On the first day, in the premises of UpBeatHub in Podgorica, starting at 15:30, scientists from the field of biomedical engineering…

  • NGO MANT will participate in “Days of Science and Innovation ” Festival with following projects:  Within the Biomedical Engineering Corner, a series of activities aimed at the promotion of biomedical engineering will be held. On the first day, in the premises of UpBeatHub in Podgorica, starting at 15:30, scientists from the field of biomedical engineering…

  • University of Banja Luka was the host of the final VIRAL Project workshop meeting from 19-20 July 2023. Meeting agenda was split in two parts: technical and in-field. On the first day, the project results were analyzed and there was a discussion about preparing the final narrative and financial report between partners’ representatives and steering…

  • MANT attended the 3rd EPS-TIG Hands-on-Science, Technology, and Interface Workshop and the 1st Montenegro Detector R&D for Future Accelerators Summer School (7-9 July), held in Petrovac, Montenegro, where it presented the VIRAL project and its work.The event is organized under the auspices of the European Society of Physicists. It is organized by the Technological Innovation…

  • MANT has participated in The 42nd RD50 Workshop on Radiation Hard Semiconductor Devices for Very High Luminosity Colliders, which took place from 20-23 June 2023 in Tivat, Montenegro.Research projects of CERN-based RD50 Collaboration are related to innovation, development and production of state-of-the-art detectors, resistant to high-level radiation, with exceptional space-time resolution that would enable better sensitivity…