
MANT Tech Award (MATA) is devoted to the Montenegrin innovators (persons or institutions) which developed any kind of high/advanced technologies solution/product/service/patent etc. in YTD (year to date). The solution needs to be simple, creative with elements of the patent and really working. In some cases, the MATA should be awarded for continuously outstanding contribution to HighTech during period of time. It is necessary to submit (till 19.12.2024. (17:00), extended) by proposer (can be by yourself, but it is preferable by others…)

  • CV of applicant or profile of institution,
  • Short description of proposal/solution.
  • Any supporting material (video, photos, certificate, showing innovation (in real work)

The proposals with above attached supporting docs should be sent to with subject for “MATA Award 2024”.

MANT Tech Award (MATA) 2024 has been awarded to Dipl. el. ing. Marin Čaveliš for his many practical and innovative solutions which have stood the test of time, and have brought significant savings to businesses and society. He develops original measurement systems, investigates natural and technical phenomena, and writes scientific papers recognized for their originality and fundamental approach.

MANT Tech Award (MATA) 2023 has been awarded to Jovan Kovačević for his outstanding work in promoting new technologies and innovative cultures in the fields of Adtech and Technological Education and Training.

MANT Tech Award Winners:


Sasa Knezevic, Dipl. El. Ing. ELSYS Eastern Europe


Hex d.o.o. , Spin-off company, Podgorica, Montenegro


Elkon d.o.o., Spin-off company, Podgorica, Montenegro


Dragana Djurašković, Dipl. Mech. Ing., Montenegro

Čikom d.o.o. IT Company


Radenka M. Krsmanović Whiffen

Restart IT


Knjaz d.o.o.

Predrag Vučeljić, dipl. el. ing.


Prof. dr Marina Mijanović – Markuš


dr ing Dragan Žarković


Mr ing Jovan Kovačević


dipl. el. ing. Marin Čaveliš

Articles about awards and winners: