The results of the Erasmus+ VIRAL project was presented at the traditional XII MECO 2022 Conference held from June 7-11, 2022, in Budva, Montenegro. It is an international scientific forum that aims to present and discuss leading achievements in modeling, analysis, design, validation, and application of embedded computer systems, as well as in a broader sense, complete computer systems with applications and related fields. MECO is one of the most relevant conferences in the field of embedded computing, cyber-physical systems, and Internet of Things IoT.
MECO also covers some other areas related to computer science and electrical engineering in general.
MECO is a conference of the highest scientific and professional recognition, indexed in prominent databases or digital libraries such as IEEE XPlore. SCOPUS, VoS, Microsoft Academic etc.
It was attended by over 300 scientists from more than 50 countries from 6 continents, from the field of computing and related scientific fields with a high reputation in the world, where they presented their works from a wide spectrum of fields.
The conference is traditionally chaired by prof. Dr. Radovan Stojanović from the Electrical Engineering Faculty of the University of Montenegro and prof. Dr. Lech Jozwiak from Eindhoven Technical University.
The project partners of the Montenegrin Association for New Technologies (MANT) and the University of Donja Gorica (UDG) presented the VIRAL project, its achievements and results so far, to a wide audience of international scientists, through the presentation of the project achievements as well as through the presentation of the Toolkits for educators on the application selected technological hardware and software solutions in agriculture: IoT, GIS, robotics, use of drones, mobile applications.
The present participants had the opportunity to become better acquainted with the toolkits published by the Western Balkans Institute, co-publisher of MANT, while the main editors are prof. Dr. Miljan Cvetković, (University of Banja Luka) and prof. Dr. Radovan Stojanović (MANT).
After the presentation of the work that preceded the publication of this manual by Prof. Dr. Radovan Stojanović, the same manuals were distributed to interested educators.