Tag: cpsiot akademija
During the past week, from January 27th to 31st, participants of the CPS&IoT Academy had the opportunity to attend practical exercises at Upbeat Hub, located in Kuća Čubranovića, the oldest preserved house in Podgorica. Led by exceptional experts in the CPS&IoT field, the exercises were carefully designed to accommodate different levels of prior knowledge. The…
During the past week, from the 20th to the 24th of January, participants had the opportunity to attend inspiring lectures delivered by experts from various fields, focusing on applying CPS&IoT systems in different domains. The theoretical training was kicked off by Prof. Dr. Radovan Stojanović and Dipl. Eng. Jovan Đurković with topics “Introduction to CPS&IoT…
CPS&IoT Academy has successfully completed the first cluster of the theoretical training with the first group of participants. Participants had the opportunity to attend the cluster on biomedical engineering titled “Introduction to CPS&IoT Systems with an Emphasis on Their Application in Biomedicine” delivered by CPS&IoT Academy lecturers Prof. Dr. Radovan Stojanović and Dipl. Eng. Jovan…
Početak nastave na Akademiji o sajber-fizičkim sistemima i internetu stvari je planiran za 11. novembar 2024. godine. Nastava će biti podijeljena na teorijsku, praktičnu i timske projekte. Trajanje obuke iznosi 6 nedelja, 68 časova: 15 teorijske, 41 praktične i 12 časova prezentaciono-ocjenjivačke obuke. Da biste se prijavili za obuku, možete ispuniti sledeći upitnik: https://forms.gle/AznQbMV54jLdXE579 Pridružite…
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