University of Banja Luka was the host of the final VIRAL Project workshop meeting from 19-20 July 2023. Meeting agenda was split in two parts: technical and in-field.
On the first day, the project results were analyzed and there was a discussion about preparing the final narrative and financial report between partners’ representatives and steering committee members. At the same time, young collaborators who are actively involved in the use of ICT in agriculture have presented their work.

The second day was dedicated to field activities where participants learned about the use of ICT in regular agricultural production in two big companies – Agro Impex and Agro Voće. Participants also had the opportunity to learn about the use of equipment acquired through the VIRAL project, as well as the activities of the Smart Water project implemented by the Faculty of Agriculture by visiting their educational mixed-varieties orchard. Gala dinner was served in newly opened restaurant in Agro Voće company.