Kick-off meeting of the CBHE project Partnership for Promotion and Popularization of Electrical Mobility through Transformation and Modernization of WB HEIs Study Programs was held at the University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica on Wednesday and Thursday, 1st and 2nd of March 2023. Meeting participants were welcomed and greeted by Rector of University of Priština – prof dr Nebojša Arsić, who said that he expects the project obligations to be fulfilled in time. He has also announced that within a project, a mobile laboratory will be built in University of Priština, which will include all the resources for electrical mobility so that students and ordinary people have the opportunity to learn about it.
Afterwards sessions were led by Aleksandra Petrović, who is ERASMUS+ officer UPKM, where she explained all the necessary details about project rules and deadlines. All the project partners were present on the initial meetings where planned activities were discussed thoroughly in order to ensure the consolidation of all the projects partners.
MANT representatives Jovan Đurković and Ivan Stojanović have attended the meeting and took part by presenting their company to the other project partners.
The meeting received media coverage with local and national television channels and press release.
The kick-off meeting agenda can be found here.